Struggling to let go of a previous partner?
Want to actually start feeling confident and hopeful about your future again instead of continually craving something you had in the past?
By the end of this page you’ll know exactly how.
If you’re a 30-60 year old going through a heart-wrenching breakup…
And are frustrated that you haven’t been able to move on from a relationship trauma after trying therapy or other things…
Around one minute from now I’m giving you a LIFELINE.
Although, you may feel lost or lonely while reading this.
Perhaps weighed down by a constant plague of unhelpful thoughts.
Or you may have given up hope altogether of rebuilding and having the kind of life you want…
One where you’re off the dating & relationship rollercoaster and safe in the warm embrace of someone who truly appreciates, loves & cares for you…
I’m telling you that the kind of life & relationships you have in the future will be decided on this page.
Because as you read these words…
You stand at a crossroads.
It’s a crossroads between starting over and over again while being on the ‘relationship rollercoaster’ and continuing to numb yourself with distractions,
OR doing the inner work to ensure you escape the negative relationship patterns you have unconsciously created.
As you read this, these unconscious patterns are governing the way you think, feel and act in relationships.
If you were a remote control, these patterns would be the batteries.
They’re controlling the way you operate (your thoughts, feelings & behaviour).
And although past heartbreaks and pain may not be your fault…
Newfound happiness and confidence in the future is only possible by identifying and altering these patterns.
Altering these unconscious patterns would leave you no longer being reliant on outward circumstances to feel happiness, love and appreciation…
But instead allow these emotions to become your default state of being.
Because even quantum physicists now agree that the invisible forces of your thoughts and feelings influence the external reality that you experience.
The other option is to do it the hard way.
Keep repeating the pain. Keep repeating the trauma. Keep feeling the same.
And with that comes the vicious circle of wanting better, but not being able to get off that hamster wheel of repeating thoughts and emotions.
So if you’re ready to let me guide you towards huge positive shifts in your life and relationships -
“I now have a better sense of who I am as a man and the renewed sense of confidence inspired me to start my own business!”
“Emmi has certainly helped me to better understand myself, my emotions, my goals and what some of the things are that were holding me back.”
“I now think of what I want or what I am comfortable with instead of just thinking about the other person. I try to speak my mind and put myself first. ”
Meet Your Coach, Emmi
From crying on the floor & feeling lost to embodying confidence, hope, and falling deeply in love with herself, her partner and life. Check out her story here: